Archive for December, 2008

tattoo symbol for sister

Are you looking to get a tattoo symbol for sister love and connection? If so here are some pretty good examples. These type of tattoos inked on by sisters brings them closer and insures a pack between them. They are vowing to stay together forever and always keep intouch. This is a very emotional move [...]


tattoo of a gemini sign

Here are some tattoo of gemini sign ink that some pretty proud zodiac heads have. I’m not an astrology major or nothing like that but Gemini people are said to be intellectual and they like to probe folks. The sign is the third of all the Zodiac’s. I’m sure you know they are the mix [...]


what do tattoo tears mean

So what do tattoo tears mean and why do people get them on their face? Well for gangsters it usually means that they have killed someone or a close family member has been killed. If you stay around a heavily populated gang area I don’t recommend getting a teardrop tattoo. In other places around the [...]


Batman Joker Tattoos

If you have seen any of the Batman films you know that getting a Joker Tattoo is a sweet deal as a movie fan. It doesn’t matter if the role is played by Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger it’s all good when that smile hits the big screen or your HDTV at home powered by [...]


Dennis Rodman Tattoos

Dennis Rodman has plenty of tattoos that people both love and hate on him. I personally like the bulls and the Celtic tats but the rest is questionable.  I’m not sure what is sexual preference is at this point but fans seem to love this dude. Women have dated and had sex with him too [...]


Janet Jackson Tattoos

The Janet Jackson tattoos are not as famous as her nipple ring that was exposed on world wide blast by Justin Timberlake during the superbowl. However,  the ink close to her kitty kat does get some play when she is taking high end photos for magazines spreads. Janet is getting older now so she won’t [...]


Lebron James Tattoos

Lebron James tattoos are getting more exposure since he displayed the Chosen 1 ink on his back after a game in the Beijing Olympics. Now fans are trying to figure out what he is sporting on his arms. Well I can tell you that on the right shoulder he has the word and picture of [...]


Kenyon Martin Lips Tattoo

Kenyon Martin of the Denver Nuggets has a lot of tattoos but it’s the tattoo of the lips that’s got people talking in the world of ink. Some are saying that he got those red lips for his girlfriend and hip hop female rap star Trina. Kenyon says that they are not for her and [...]


Jessica Biel Tattoo

Not only does Jessica Biel look great in a bikini she sports what looks like a dove tattoo on her stomach. I think pound for pound this actress has the broadest shoulders in Hollywood. Jessica is definitely fit and can actually use another tattoo on her back or shoulder where the camera is usually catching [...]


Drew Barrymore Tattoos

Well I like the butterfly and the cross tattoos on Drew Barrymore who has been a great actress since I watched the historical movie E.T. This woman has grown up before the eyes of millions who keep up with Hollywood and she is still relevant. Drew is one of the few childhood stars who actually [...]