Archive for the Custom Tattoos Category

dodge ram tattoo

I was trying to figure out what a [tag-del]dodge ram tattoo[/tag-del] would look like if I went and got one on my arm. I really like the heavy duty trucks and the iconic emblem is strong and manly. I played around with a collage to see what I would do but I have to tell [...]


Apple Computer Logo Tattoos

Can you believe that there are fans of Mac so much that they sport Apple computer logo tattoos? Check out the cool little art work from some of the most dedicated non PC users in the world. I have a Macbook Pro but I am definitely not into tattooing an apple logo on my arm [...]


Kabbalah Tattoos

Every year there is a fad or something that ends up being Pop cult and Kabbalah Tattoos are surely skirting the fence for one of them. some people are only getting these type of tattoos because there favorite celebrity has one. They are not even remotely close to know what they mean or represent. I [...]


raging bull tattoos

I had to bring out the raging bull tattoos because they are so muscular and serious. I didn’t know what a blue bull was until someone showed me a pic on the Internet. Are you kidding me look at the muscles in the blue bull at the top of this picture. That’s just crazy! You [...]


holy bible tattoos

When people get holy bible tattoos it doesn’t mean that they are dedicated Christians and certified saints. Most folks get them because they want to remind themselves that there is a higher power. This particular one from the bible of “The Last Supper” is really cool. I think this guy actually placed it in the [...]


tattoo symbol for sister

Are you looking to get a tattoo symbol for sister love and connection? If so here are some pretty good examples. These type of tattoos inked on by sisters brings them closer and insures a pack between them. They are vowing to stay together forever and always keep intouch. This is a very emotional move [...]


what do tattoo tears mean

So what do tattoo tears mean and why do people get them on their face? Well for gangsters it usually means that they have killed someone or a close family member has been killed. If you stay around a heavily populated gang area I don’t recommend getting a teardrop tattoo. In other places around the [...]


red dragon tattoo shop

The red dragon tattoo shop is located in Richmond Virginia and they do some crazy hot ink work from what I have read and heard from their customers. I thought I would find some nice dragon tats to represent the companies work incase you are ever in the VA and want to get done up. [...]


Cervical Cancer Ribbon tatt

There are thousands of women who get and beat cervical cancer in the United states yearly and the ones who are really excited get cervical cancer ribbon tatt designs. They have overcome something that could have killed them but they survived and are living with joy. These women have truly been given a second chance [...]


Temporary Tattoo Hula Girl

Many times women and teenage girls that visit local or out of town beaches choose to get temporary tattoo hula girl ink to impress guys and other women for that matter. These are very cheap and last a pretty long time throughout the day. They actually look impressive too when you look at them. Be [...]