Archive for the Cartoon Tattoos Category

Update on TattooLoaders, redesigning the site, and deals on numbing cream

Hey Guys, How's it goin' It's been a little while since I updated things here at But not to worry. I've been talking to a buddy of mine over at Deeveeant Numb. They've got this new cream out to numb your skin if your getting some work done. We've all seen similar products no doubt. [...]


Mario Jedi Star Wars Tattoo

Nintendo has always been good to me when it comes to games but I am not getting a Mario Jedi star wars type tattoo on my body. However this Mario tat is pretty nice and you definitely know that the receiver is a fan of Nintendo and Mr. Lucas. Some cartoon or fictional charatcters are [...]


Marvin Martian Tattoo

You don’t see to many Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd ink but for some reason Marvin Martian tattoo prints are becoming very popular amongst College Students. Kinda like the Apple Mac world if you ask me. Looney Tunes are certified classic cartoons and the figures will be around forever. Marvin the Martian and his helmet [...]


Batman Joker Tattoos

If you have seen any of the Batman films you know that getting a Joker Tattoo is a sweet deal as a movie fan. It doesn’t matter if the role is played by Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger it’s all good when that smile hits the big screen or your HDTV at home powered by [...]


Batman Tattoos

Some of the coolest cartoon tats are the DC Comics Batman tattoos that fans and bat freaks love to get on their arms, chest and legs. Superman is another character that people choose to place on their bodies but they are not as hot as the batman. Well I lied…The Joker Tattoos are absolutely hands [...]


Transformer Tattoos

I knew that Transformer Tattoos would be big once they dropped the movie starring Shia LaBeouf. If you have seen this film on Blu-Risc Disc on a 120hz LCD Television or higher it will make you want to go get a tatoo of one of these robots. I wonder how many more artist will get [...]


Superman Tattoos

Superman tattoos are suppose to represent strength and tell people that you are invincible. At least that is why the basketball player Shaq got his. Superman has been used in everything from movies to songs from rappers like Soulja Boy. I have never seen a black and red Superman accept for the comic magazine when [...]


Incredible Hulk Tattoos

The heart of the green Incredible Hulk Tattoos are the bulky muscles and the black lining that defines the rips in the hulks physic. Look at how great the purple ink looks on the image to the right hand side. It’s rare but peep the skills the artist used on the teeth making them look [...]