Lebron James Tattoos

Tattoos on Lebron James

Tattoos on Lebron James

Lebron James tattoos are getting more exposure since he displayed the Chosen 1 ink on his back after a game in the Beijing Olympics. Now fans are trying to figure out what he is sporting on his arms. Well I can tell you that on the right shoulder he has the word and picture of a BEAST which is what he is on the basketball court. King James will make a lot of history in the sport of basketball and those tattoos will be filmed on every occasion.

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3 Responses to “Lebron James Tattoos”

  1. [...] Carmelo add tattoos on his body since he came into the NBA. He didn’t turn out to be a Lebron James but he did become a very good NBA basketball player. He had a baby by LaLA of MTV and cut off his [...]

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  3. jaybird says:

    man those tats are sweet. shoot i got three of them

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